SBIer Makes It To The Oprah ShowWhy This Is Important To You!
So, does SBI! really change lives?
Ask Jill and her husband Jose from
They were asked to appear on the Oprah Winfrey show this
week. Finance expert, Suze Orman, was on giving advice on
how to survive these tough financial times. She was
interviewing people who had made some great and not so great
financial decisions. video version is at (unless it gets taken down)...'s SBI! site is all about the RV lifestyle. It's not
just an experiment in "lifestyle design", it's an example of
how SBI! gave Jill and Jose the lifestyle of their dreams.
And now they've been seen by MILLIONS of people all over the
world! And doubled the traffic to their site this week.
And they can now add "As Seen On Oprah" to their site. Now
THAT is credibility. :-)
Verrrry nice!
Of course, Jill was already a recognized expert in her
field, thanks to SBI!. She executed C > T > P > M.
And here's the key...
How did Oprah find her?
A simple Google search.
Now THAT's the power of SBI!
So what are you waiting for ???
Just click this link below and PROVE it by yourself :
Site Build It !Hope it will be useful for the Readers... and can change your life.
See you.....
( Michael Gunawan )